Welcome to
The Fae Wilds!
Primal | Empyreum | Exodus | Ward 9 | Plot 50
Open Thursdays at 9:30 Pm CST
If our open stage and ambient atmosphere doesn't keep you coming back then the lovely owner, Faelia, should!
All drinks are 4000 gil each!
✦ Voeburtite Tea✦ Longmirror Moonshine✦ Peaseblossom Tea✦ Moondew Mist✦ Virtuosic Cappriccino✦ Wanderlust✦ Liquid Everlasting Light
All treats are 4000 gil each!
✦ Everapple Cheesecake✦ Il Mheg Macaroon✦ Torilian Mud Cake✦ Lemonfish Tart

Faelia Whitewind
The embodiment of wholesome, Fae loves to spend her time socializing with new people, entertaining guests and occasionally hopping on stage herself to play a few catchy tunes. Gives out headpats on request.

Pixie Capell'a
"She's sunshine incarnate, or so it seems she wants you to think. Pixie always has a big bright smile painted across her features, and her pockets are always full to the brim with flower petals waiting to be tossed. But you suspect there's a reason she chugs the Liquid Everlasting Light like it's going out of style. There may be more to this miqo than meets the eye..."